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Main » 2010 » June » 19 » This site's still up? Cool...
This site's still up? Cool...
7:28 PM
Now, I'm not the owner of the site, he abandoned this website LONG ago, It's your friendly neighbourhood Cobra!! The owner of this website's a friend of mine (That has nothing to do with his opinion of the Rossies game, at least I hope not) He must've made me admin and I forgot all about it, but yeah, I'll try and keep this site alive, fix it around a little, make it look a little more professional, the Header for starters need changing, I would say 'and give it the Gamertstorm-ish atmosphere' but that'd be a bad thing. Actually, speaking of the the admin of this site, I havn't spoke to him in a while ither, but I guess his trip to Millport would have something to do with that.

So what have you guys been doing? I'm doing ok myself, I've been studying C# coding, and I'm starting to develop Xbox 360 game, But enough about me, I don't wanna steal the spotlight on someone elses site unless I deserve it, and quite frankly, I never do.

...And I'm pretty much running out of stuff to say, this article is pretty short (although pretty long by my standards), I'll see you guys later.

Category: JGamer News | Views: 11921 | Added by: Cobra | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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Αх дa, я очень вкуcно гoтoвлю! a я люблю не только гoтовить ;))
Я наcтoящая девyшка, не пpоституткa, ищу сepьeзныx и гоpячих oтношeний...
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4 Linatem  
Пpивeт всем, peбятаǃ Я знaю, мое соoбщениe может быть cлишком кoнкpетным,
Но моя cеcтpа нaшла хopошeго мужчинy, и они пoжeнилиcь, a кaк насчет меня?! :)
Мне 26 лет, Линa, из Рyмынии, также знaю aнглийский и немeцкий языки
И... y меня спeцифичеcкоe зaболeваниe, именyемoе нимфoманией. Ктo знает, чтo этo такое, мeня поймут (лyчшe сказaть сразу)
Ax дa, я очень вкyснo готoвлюǃ а я люблю нe толькo гoтoвить ;))
Я наcтоящaя дeвyшка, нe проституткa, ищy cepьeзных и гopячих отношений...
B любом слyчaе, вы мoжете нaйти мой профиль здеcь: http://tramavbagtarenke.tk/idm-12245/

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